About the Job Fair
The Career Opportunities for PostDoctoral Researchers in Life Sciences event will host a Job Fair, open to the public, that aims to promote new career prospects and opportunities for PhD holders. Keeping this in mind we have invited people from key industries and companies to showcase their mission and values, and provide PhD holders the opportunity to apply for jobs. Additionally, we will host several workshops to showcase alternative career options that exist away from the lab.
A modern, knowledge-based economy can greatly benefit from the integration of PhD holders in different economic sectors. To draw attention to the pivotal role that these highly educated individuals can play in the Portuguese economy and to find solutions to promote their integration in the job market, we want to foster a debate that will involve key stakeholders. Considering the current economic growth, the large number of PhDs that are being trained in Portuguese Universities and the attraction of innovative and unique start-up companies to our country, this debate is more important than ever. We sincerely hope that this event can contribute to a better dialogue between Academia and Industry.
Companies expecting to attract and recruit PhDs in the areas of computational biology, biological sciences, and chemistry have an excellent opportunity here to reach a highly differentiated group of candidates. If your company would like to participate in this event, please email the organizing committee.
For more information, see our Program.